Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays from Highcroft!

This week has been exciting to say the least. We have continuted to read Kevin O'Malley books in many of the classes to prepare for his upcoming visit. Grades 3-5 have visited Kevin O'Malley's web page and enjoyed a great laugh. Several students accessed the school visit link to get a glimpse of what the author/illustrator was like during one of his visits to a school. We also accessed his image links. Students are continuing to vote for their favorite book written by Kevin O'Malley on the bulletin board outside the media center door.
Students in Ms. Bass' class enjoyed the book, So you want to be an inventor, by Judith St. George. Classes checked out one book for winter break/track out.
Friday afternoon all students at Highcroft enjoyed our annual Holiday Sing-A-Long. All students in K-5 participated. Teachers also continued the tradition of singing "In the fifth year of Highcroft" and a special skit was performed at the end of the singalong which included Mr. Barger as Santa, Mrs. Hughes, Ms. Horning, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Wetherell, Mr. Nichols, Mario, and Mr. Marsh as the Grinch in a "dancing with the stars" performance.