Students returned to a normal media center after Bookstock Book fair ended. We continued with our instruction with grade levels to support their objectives.
Fifth grade continued with learning about Sacajawea and her contribution to the Lewis and Clark Expedition. We are continuing to complete the lotus diagrams the students are using to organize details and information pertaining to their journey.
Fourth graders used the media lab to research key words on a trivia board. We are learning not all web sites are created equal. We are also learning we do not need to type in a full question for answers...only pertinent "key" words. This has been a true fact finding experience.
Third graders were introduced to the book, Baloney, written by Jon Scieszka. We reviewed fix-up strategies and how they are used when we are reading aloud or independently. We used the book to put our fix up strategies to work. After we made predictions to what some of the words might mean, we re-read the book and checked our answers. Several of our fix up strategies included: picture support, re-reading, context clues, read ahead, word chunking, etc.
Second graders continued on their mission of enjoying several of Janell Cannon's books. This week I introduced the book Pinduli. This book is great for making connections. (Does the movie, play, book, Lion King come to mind?) We used nonfiction books to research several of the animals mentioned in the book, also reinforcing our DDS (Dewey Decimal System).
First grade read the book Redbird at Rockefeller Center. We also made a connection with Dr. Seuss books. This book is told in rhyme and is about a tree that was cut to be the tree decorated in NYC's, Rockefeller Center. However, when it is cut, the main character is sure a little redbird was in the tree. You will have to read yourself to see what happens...it's magical! Several predictions are made by students which is just what I planned.
Kindergarten students enjoyed the story Library Lion, written by Michelle Knudsen. Imagine a real lion visiting the library at storytime each day! However, rules must be followed. This is a heartwarming and comical story of a librarian who loves having the library come to visit. Her assistant is so focused on the rules the lion feels compelled to leave. Children will easily see themselves in the wild lion, which yearns to explore and enjoy the library but worries about the constraining rules. What a book to use to discuss the library's main focus...becoming life long users of information....
Happy Reading,
Mrs. Wetherell