Who is Jim Arnosky and why are we learning about him?
Since all tracks are in I have informed the students Jim Arnosky will be out featured presenter on May 23, 2011, thanks to our wonderful PTA.
There are several reasons why I chose Mr. Arnosky to visit Highcroft. He is an author, illustrator, plays the guitar, sings, is a wildlife watcher, and is genuinely interested in teaching others about nature. His scientific sketches and field journaling are relative to our science curriculum and we are hopeful the students will be inspired when documenting in their own science notebooks in class.
Jim has been honored for his overall contribution to literature for children by the Eva L. Gordon Award and the Washington Post/Children's Book Guild Award for Nonfiction. Many of his titles have been chosen as ALA Notable Books by the American Library Association, including Drawing from Nature, a Christopher Award winner.
He will be visiting Highcroft on May 23 for teachers and students to enjoy. Several of his books will be available for purchase and Mr. Arnosky will personally autograph books on the day of his visit.
To learn more about Jim Arnosky, students in grades 3 - 5 are creating an interactive poster about his life and books he has written with images from the titles of his books which are hyperlinked.
In grades K-2, students are learning about nature through listening to Jim Arnosky's books. We have made Crinkleroot character bookmarks in class and are discussing an upcoming science experiment with raindrops. Mrs. Combs, the music teacher, will be teaching students a couple of songs Jim Arnosky wrote. Mrs. Dahm, the art teacher, will also integrate art lessons which are inspired by Jim Arnosky.
We will continue to learn more about Mr. Arnosky and his wonderful contributions to children's literature.
Happy reading,
Mrs. Wetherell