It's School Library Month and National Poetry Month. We had lots going on in the library this week. Every day we had a library trivia question to begin our day. The questions were asked during morning announcements. The first five classrooms that answered the library trivia question of the day correctly were rewarded with a shout out and a Library Trivia Award placed on their classroom door for bragging rights (just for the week). Because of the multi tracks, field trips, etc., several classes were completing different lessons. Track one viewed the Jim Arnosky DVD about the differences between the American crocodile and the American alligator complete with a drawing lesson from Jim (see earlier post). Track three fifth grade explored poetry online with experiencing different poetry makers. We also explored several types of poetry (Haiku, Cinquain, and Concrete or shape poems as some people call them). Track three, third grade worked on building their bibliographies for their Famous Person research paper. Track one, third grade learned about plagiarism and copyright violation through listing to the book titled, When Marion Copied, by Brook Berg. We discussed how to summarize and what is known as common knowledge.
Thursday was "poem in my pocket" day where everyone had to have a poem available ready to read to anyone who asked. Several students checked out poetry books and utilized morning circulation to check out books as well as find and copy a favorite poem. I had a kindergarten class surprise me with a reading of their poem they had selected for the day. It put a smile on my face. Another fun filled week at school!
Happy reading,
Mrs. Wetherell