I am so excited to be back this year when all our huskies are in school together on a single track! I enjoyed a 4 week break this summer which I haven't had in over 4 years when we converted to a year round calendar. Being a specialist is a little different since I did not track out, but now I can....yeah!!!! I also observed students and parents were a little more excited to get back into the swing of things this year.
Our first week was a busy week and the students were so attentive, polite, and followed directions extremely well (Thanks parents). I introduced the students to Buddy, (see earlier post) and he, in turn, introduced the students to the Highcroft Media Center. Afterwards we listened to a selected read aloud specifically chosen for each grade level (see below). We discussed the "Shelf of Shame" and how we had more books damaged and lost this past year which was more than any other year at Highcroft...so we pledged to take care of our library books this year and treat them like friends....good friends....very good friends.
We also learned media specials would change weekly since we are on a 6 day rotation. We discussed how to remember our library special and if we had difficulty we could leave our books at school to read so they would always be there when needed. We discussed rules and the code of conduct in the media center since it is so large and we have to be extremely responsible.
This coming week our kindergarteners will begin their first full week of school so it will be an exciting time....I will be teaching 6 classes a day plus taking care of a very large faculty and staff....so stay tuned and see what happens during our media specials through reading this blog....enjoy your weekend everyone and....
Happy Reading,
Mrs. Wetherell
*Books read to students this week:
5th grade: Jon Scieszka's, Guys Write for Guys Read ("Brothers"* excerpt)
4th grade: 17 Things I am not allowed to do anymore by Jenny Offill
3rd grade: Mind Your Manners, B. B. Wolf by JudySierra
2nd grade: Patricia Polacco's, Thank you, Mr. Falker
1st grade: Back to School for Rotten Ralph, by Jack Gantos