Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lucky has moved!

All information about Lucky has moved to his new blog:
Log on to see his newest pictures and adventures
with the Wetherell fam: Woof, Woof!

Snow Days!!

Wow! It really happened! We got almost 5 - 6 inches of snow. We were closed for two days and had a delayed opening. The on Saturday:(We talked about playing in the snow, making snowmen and snow angels, building forts and having snowball fights and drinking hot cocoa.) Snow days are really fun, especially when it only happens once every 5 years. I will be adding some favorite books about snow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Favorite books to read about Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport and Brian Collier
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King Jr. by Jean Marzollo and B. Pinkney
I have a dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A picture book of Martin Luther King Jr. by David Adler

Lucky is 8 weeks old!

This is the best picture I have taken of Lucky. I have tried to get a picture of him playing with Autumn (our golden retriever) but I am not happy with the results. Lucky had to go to the emergency vet on Thursday. We thought he had puppy bloat. After spending $254.00 on x-rays and an after-hour visit...we learned he had just eaten too much. I am wondering if he is related to Marley.